Once, after the 100th episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, they showed how the whole cast and crew celebrated with a big ass cake.
I cannot offer you a big ass cake but in honor of my 100th blog post (this one is #92), I'm going to play a game. Submit your questions to me: funny, odd, personal, etc and I will answer them to the best of my ability. I assure you that no question will be too bizarre.
To participate, leave your question in the comments section of this blog. On the day of my 99th post, I will post a follow up #100 with all of your questions and answers.
And tell your friends! Because what fun will it be if it's just my sister and Kim asking me all the questions - they already know everything!
6 months ago
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a constant danger to all kitchen appliance, power tools, you name it. And as much as I love them, garbage disposals freak me out... there's no way I'd ever reach in there to retrieve anything. Good luck with your Q&A post! :)
Oh man...now I have to think of a question for you...especially cause you named me once again in one of your blogs!! You make me feel special! I love you Sophia!
Alright lets see....hmmm. This is hard because I know alot about you already! grrr.... this is tough.
When you do finally get knocked up with another gorgeous child... are you wanting a girl or a boy? Why?
Yeah I know...that is the best I could come up with so far! So
deal with it!
What is your idea of the perfect day?
Did Martha Stewart deserve what she got?
OK, not really. Well, I mean you can answer it if you want to...
What is that THING that you want your kiddos to remember about you one day?
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