Showing posts with label New friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New friends. Show all posts

Sunday, August 17, 2008

MY 100th POST!!

New friends - as promised, I'm answering all your questions in honor of my 100th post. I know the rule is to post 100 facts about yourself but I'm a rebel, dammit - so the 100 facts will be my 101st post.
This was so much fun - thanks for participating!

Kim @ Ramblings of Kimberly:
When you do finally get knocked up with another gorgeous child... are you wanting a girl or a boy? Why?
I can't believe I'm going to admit this but I've become one of those people who said "I don't care what I have - as long as it's healthy". It's so cliche but that's because it's true. For honesty's sake, I will say that lately I've been leaning towards wanting a boy. Because boys love their mothers and pre-teen daughters are brats.
When you first started your period...what happened? were you freaked out? did it happen at the most inopportune time?
I started my period the day OJ Simpson ran from the cops in his white Bronco. It was also my Grandma's birthday. I remember being really, really tired and sleeping all day. My mother was so glued to the television that she made my dad go and buy "supplies". Bless his sweet heart. I felt very annoyed by the whole experience because everyone was making such a big deal about it and also very relieved because it was over with.

Jennifer @ Extreme House Wifeing:
What is your idea of the perfect day?
The perfect day would have to be at least 48 hours long because there's never enough time for me to do everything I want. It would consist of spending a good part volunteering, more time with Olivia doing really girly stuff, cleaning my entire house without becoming bored or exhausted and it would end with me getting knocked up.

Jennifer @ Dust Bunny Hostage:
Do you think Martha Stewart deserved what she got?
I know this was posted as a joke but I'm going to answer it anyway because I actually have an opinion about this. (Shocking.) (shut up) I have been a Martha Stewart fan since before it was cool to like Martha Stewart. I get what the negativity is towards her - she's pretty pretentious and kind of a fraud (we all know her "people" do everything and she takes the credit). But she's done so much in her life and has been successful at almost everything she's done - how can I not strive to be more like her? Besides - I like good things, too. With that said, I strongly feel that the only reason she was treated the way she was is because she's a woman and that's never okay. Katt Williams said it best when he said "Who can blame a bitch for gettin' a tip that her money was about to be gone and then takin' it all out?".
What is that THING that you want your kiddos to remember about you one day?
I want my children to remember that I was their best advocate their whole lives. I'm proud to say that I'm not the type of mother who puts her own insecurities and issues ahead of the child's best interest. I want them to know that throughout their entire lives; education, relationships, justice and everything in between, that I shouted the loudest and fought harder than anyone else for them. Although they'll probably just remember I shouted the loudest.
Is your life more Shakespeare of Dr. Seuss?
My childhood fantasy was to have a Shakespeare life but fortunately, God gave me a Dr. Seuss life. A lot of humor and silliness is required.
What is THE BEST thing that blogging has given you?
I think I am not unlike most other "mommy-bloggers" (Is there a more PC term for this?) who feel that blogging gives me a sense of self. In addition, it keeps my brain working - I'm constantly challenging myself here. Most of all, I've "met" some very kind people who've been so helpful and supportive during those not-so-Dr. Seuss-moments.
(PS - I would like to give a special HOLLA out to Jennifer @ Dust Bunny Hostage for asking the most questions!)

Mrs. N @ All That Naz
If you were a crayola crayon...what color would you be?
Gosh - I have no idea. I would just be a saturated shade of LOUD pink and it would be called SOPHIA. (Suggestions can be emailed directly to

Carianne @ Confessions of a Middle Aged Mess:
How do you think having a deaf mother influenced your life positively and negatively?
Leave it up to my sister to ask the deepest and most difficult question to answer. I've thought long and hard about my answer and have decided to answer in as much honesty as possible. Growing up with a deaf mother was incredibly hard and unless you've actually lived in those shoes, it's almost indescribable. The loneliness I felt was constant and I'm not sure if it's because my house was silent or if it's because I was an only child but it was profound. Naturally, there were perks like turning the music up as loud as I wanted and sneaking the phone to talk at all hours of the night. At this time, I've yet to gain proper perspective on the positive vs. negative impact but I know that my mother did the best that she could with what she had and that has forced me to do better in my own life. Which is what I think any mother would want.

Tabitha @ Roots & Wings
Did you name your dolls/Barbies as a kid?? What were their names??
I wasn't really a Barbie kind of girl - most of my dolls were of the Cabbage Patch form and they all came with their very own names. I usually chose Cabbage Patches based on their names (which you could see on the box) and never changed them.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The sin quiz

Tabitha @ Roots & Wings posted this quiz. I don't usually participate but I was curious about my results. Tabitha, looks like I'm going to hell way before you are.

Lust:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

PS. I'm pretty offended that all of my volunteer work has not offset my sins by very much. It's a good thing I like what I do. Also - I didn't know that "sloth" meant lazy.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blog Etiquette and That Game We're Playing

Remember when I told you all it was my 96th post and that for my 100th post I wanted to answer questions that all of you, my new friends, asked me?
Um, yeah.
I thought it was my 96th post because Blogger told me so. But they were counting my drafts - which I was not. So, THIS is actually my 92nd post. Which, really - is great news because it means there's more time for you to submit your questions!
I ask (ahem - beg) all of you who visit to leave a comment asking me a question. The more random, the more personal, the funnier - the better.

Speaking of my 100th post. I found out today that it's Blog Tradition to post 100 facts about yourself (or something) in honor of your 100th post. Well, I've never been one to follow the rules and I'm sure as hell not going to start now. I'll post my 100 facts as my 101st post. TAKE THAT BLOGOSPHERE! (It's really quite sad how happy the slightest rebellion makes me.)

Know what else I learned about blogging today? That you're supposed to ask permission before you add someone to your blog roll. Rut-roh, Shaggy. I haven't asked anyone for any kind of permission. I feel pretty bad but not bad enough that I'm willing to go back and ask permission after the fact. But if you're on my blog roll and don't want to be, let me know and I'll gladly remove you. I will also stop reading your blog and possibly tell everyone about how rude you are. Just kidding. Maybe.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped and turned upside down...

Once, after the 100th episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, they showed how the whole cast and crew celebrated with a big ass cake.

I cannot offer you a big ass cake but in honor of my 100th blog post (this one is #92), I'm going to play a game. Submit your questions to me: funny, odd, personal, etc and I will answer them to the best of my ability. I assure you that no question will be too bizarre.

To participate, leave your question in the comments section of this blog. On the day of my 99th post, I will post a follow up #100 with all of your questions and answers.

And tell your friends! Because what fun will it be if it's just my sister and Kim asking me all the questions - they already know everything!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pimp My Blog

How do you like it? Definitely beats that blue.

I've been doing a lot of "promoting" (essentially commenting on my favorite blogs) and hope to lure in some unfamiliar ip addresses. So if you're new - welcome to my humble abode. It's messy so watch your step.

Next, I need to publicly thank Shauna at Blah Blah Blog & See My Designs for this makeover. She was wonderfully easy to work with and obviously psychic because she knew exactly what I wanted based on my favorite color being pink, I like tropical stuff and polka dots. In addition to being super fast and courteous, she was cheap! No, no. Not that kind of cheap. So if you're looking to do an episode of "Pimp my Blog", contact Shauna.

You may have noticed some new features; such as a subscription box. I challenge you to subscribe - get notification of new posts emailed directly into your inbox! (At least I think that's how it works. Try it and let me know, will ya?) There's also a blog roll (or whatever) where I've linked up to my favorite blogs. The really neat feature about that is that it tells you when the other blogs have posted. In other words, you should come here first, then read dooce, bossy & Kristen. Lastly, I've gone into my archives and tagged all of the old posts. Now, you can click on a tag link and it will bring up all the other posts tagged under the same name. (It's times like this I listen when Danny talks because then I wouldn't sound like such a fool when trying to explain technology.)

Look forward to another Sincerely 'Fro Me To You post on Thursday and a post about how my husband prepares to breed. Good stuff, folks. Good stuff.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Green: Red light

I've been taking steps to lessen my family's carbon footprint. Tiny steps, albeit but steps nonetheless. I've switched from heavily chemical-ed cleaning supplies to the Method line of more environmentally, safer, non-bleach smelly products. They're heavily available at Target and I heard you can get them at Costco but I've never seen it myself. I also switched from my regular Cascade dishwasher detergent to a Green version. The only thing I haven't switched so far is laundry soap and that's because I haven't read wonderful things about the product's ability to thoroughly clean clothes. Also, I haven't given up my Clorox Antibacterial Wipes. Because really: what's the point in Going Green if the salmonella on the kitchen counter is going to kill me?
In conjunction with Going Green at home, I'm trying to live a more simple life in general. Before buying that crap from China at Target, I really weight how I'll use it and for how long. Of course, this is hard with a small Hannah Montana, Camp Rock, Cheetah Girl loving girl but I'm trying.
Another way I'd like to change my lifestyle is eating more organically and locally. Except that's pretty hard to come by here. There are no Farmer's Markets (that I know of - and I've looked), there's no co-ops or specialty stores featuring locally grown produce, meats, etc. Down the street there used to be a farm that grew it's own strawberries and other fruits & veggies but they sold their farming land to a nursery who stores their potted plants on the land now.
I'm hoping to recruit some new, local readers. Not only for socializing and networking purposes but I truly hope they can point me in the right direction for a solution to this problem.

Do you know of any locally grown, possibly organic places to purchase produce, herbs, meat, etc?
Also, are you local to the South Florida area? Are you a new reader? Are you an old friend who reads this blog faithfully and sends me emails instead of leaving comments? (Ahem - KIM!) Tell me so in the comment section.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Calling all people smarter than me!

I really, really, really need my blog redesigned.

Would someone PLEASE help me?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kara & the benefits of girlfriends (and danger of none)

At my age (that would be 25), I imagined I would have a tight circle of girlfriends. Where we'd sing a drunken rendition of "Lean On Me" in the football field of our old high school and exchange poopie stories of our children whilst they played lovingly in the front yard, complete with tire swing. As I write (type?) this, I can actually visualize this in my mind.
But you know, none of it materializes. And if I'm going to be completely honest; I have no girlfriends.
When I was entering the "tender" years of my life (read: preteen & young adulthood), there was 4 of us. But as I grew older, I grew apart. The rest of them didn't (except the one who isn't with us anymore). They still talk and occasionally enjoy each other's company while I'm over here, ALONE, in hell (also known as the smallest place 3 people can live). (Where's my mama? Because the drama is overflowing!) It wasn't really their fault. You know the story: girl meets boy, girl's mother abandons her for New England, girl moves in with boy, gets knocked up & lives happily ever after. Oh? That's not the story you meant? Anyway, I moved less than a hour away but for me, each mile apart felt like 100.
Since then, I haven't felt the security of having a "best friend" around. I still have Jess, and we talk once in a while but not in the gut-wrenching ways that girlfriends talk.
And I have Kara. She lives two hours away but still has guided me in ways that I've needed yet missed for the last 9 years. She came to visit me last weekend & I learned about the beauty of flat-ironed hair. We also talked for a long time about a lot yet nothing. When she left, I had that sinking feeling in my chest again. I suspect this feeling is loneliness.
There is something missing, a small piece of my soul is absent. My (good) sister thinks this is because somewhere along the line, I lost myself. I disagree. I think all of me is here only to be awakened by the benefits of having a friend. One of complete unselfishness & agendas where similarly, differences, kindness and compassion runs deep and bonds.

I mentioned in a previous post that I'm taking a writing class. I'm telling everyone it's because I want to be a better writer (which is true) but really, I'm taking it to meet people (my reasons extend further than those two reasons; you'll see in later posts). My life is pretty limited in opportunity to meet new strangers (is that a double?) as my life is fairly limited in itself. I work for a company which employs 5 people (3 of whom are men), my child attends a school where there are less than 150 students and the moms generally suck.

(Feel free to insert the standard paragraph about how lucky I am to have my life, I wouldn't trade it for the world, blah blah blah.)

I want to gossip about celebrities, trade make-up tips & hair styles. I want to talk about my husband and child without the faint smell of competition. I want to look at pretty men in the mall and exchange knowing glances.

So, I'm embarking on this new quest to find myself a real friend. Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sometimes, I'm not at all funny

I really wanted this blog to be light-hearted and funny. Like me! So I must apologize in advance to all my old (and new) readers who came here looking for comedy relief only to find political speak. I promise to get back in the hilarious swing of things very soon.

In the meantime, I'd like to take this time to welcome everyone to my new writing haven! I'm so excited about this and have a running list of things I can't wait to write about in addition to stories about my funny life. Hopefully, you'll find me interesting and readable, I often write how I talk: fast, long-winded and in circles.

Until I can sit down and write a proper description and introduction (very soon! Like, tonight!), please browse through my archives and see for yourself how funny, smart (and pretty) I am!