New OB/GYN: Hi Sophia, why are you here today?
Me: I want to have a baby...We're trying to have a baby.
Doctor: How long have you been trying?
Me: We haven't. We start on Monday.
:::crickets chirpping:::
Doctor: :::blink::: Um. Ok. So why are you here?
Me: :::nervous chuckle::: Well, see, I was 17 when I had my first child and she was unplanned, obviously. And um, I didn't know if there was a special "grown-up" way to plan and prepare to have a baby. I guess....I just wanted to do it all right and proper this time.
Doctor: Ok. How did you get pregnant last time?
Me: Possibly mind altering chemicals and definitely a lot of cheap beer.
Doctor: Sounds good. Try that. :::laughs::: Just have lots of sex.
Me: :::blink - blink - blink:::
6 months ago
1 comment:
*falls out of chair laughing*
I was at the doc yesterday and I said this:
Kim: Oooh you want to see a pic of Merrick? The one you helped create?!
Doc: Well I didnt create her...just helped get her out!
*laughing* She is beautiful and I love the picture of her and her dads feet.
Kim: *feels like an idiot for miswording* Thanks.
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